Our frequently asked questions provide answers to some of the common enquiries we receive about our services - Support Coordination, Specialist Support Coordination and Consultancy Services as well as the NDIS. If you have any further questions, please contact us.

We are here to help.

  • JP Trusted Advisor is a NDIS registered provider, we are here to help people with disability, their families and carers as well as organisations who support NDIS participants or provide services to NDIS participants.

    A trusted advisor is someone who understands the unique needs and circumstances that you are facing. We can offer experienced, skilled and non-bias support to help navigate the NDIS and assist you or your loved one to find a mix of support options which best meet your needs to ultimately enable you to live the life you choose and enable you to achieve your goals. 

    We also work in collaboration with organisations providing expert consultancy services, ensuring NDIS standards are met and high-quality services are delivered to participants. Our highly qualified and experienced team equip organisations with the knowledge, training and strategies needed to effectively support NDIS participants, ensuring high quality service delivery and successful outcomes.


  • JP Trusted Advisor is a NDIS registered provider, we are here to help people with disability, their families and carers as well as organisations who support NDIS participants or provide services to NDIS participants.

    A trusted advisor is someone who understands the unique needs and circumstances that you are facing. We can offer experienced, skilled and non-bias support to help navigate the NDIS and assist you or your loved one to find a mix of support options which best meet your needs to ultimately enable you to live the life you choose and enable you to achieve your goals. 

    We also work in collaboration with organisations providing expert consultancy services, ensuring NDIS standards are met and high-quality services are delivered to participants. Our highly qualified and experienced team equip organisations with the knowledge, training and strategies needed to effectively support NDIS participants, ensuring high quality service delivery and successful outcomes.


  • We can help provide support coordination and specialist support coordination to you if you live in Perth or regional WA. As part of our role we can:

    • Help you make the most of your NDIS plan - help you understand, implement, and manage your plan.  

    • Encourage you to build your confidence and capacity to make your own decisions.

    • Enable you to build your independence, giving you choice and control of the types of services you need to help you achieve your goals.

    • Connect with service provides and access services and supports to meet your needs while helping you decide how much you want to pay for services.

    • Help you understand service agreements and make bookings.

    Please note, JP Trusted Advisor works within normal business hours, we do not offer crisis management.


  • Support coordination is an NDIS funded support in your NDIS plan. Our support coordinators assist you to understand, implement and manage your plan, while helping you make the most of your NDIS funds. We work together and talk about what is possible with your NDIS plan, help you to build capacity so you can exercise choice and have control and independence. 


  • Specialist support coordination is a higher level of support coordination for people whose situations are more complex and who require greater support. Our specialist support coordinators will assist you to manage challenges in your support environment which may include health, education or justice services. We aim to reduce barriers to implementing your NDIS plan and ensure consistency of services.


  • Once your NDIS plan is approved, you will work with a support coordinator to help put your plan in place. Our support coordinators and specialist support coordinators will meet with you initially face to face, we will talk together about your plan and help you understand it. We will help you choose and connect with service providers and talk with you and your family or carers about other options that might be available to help you work towards achieving and developing your goals for your next plan. All while respecting your culture, diversity, values and individual beliefs as well as taking in consideration your individual circumstances.  


  • JP Trusted Advisor services are based on your individual need, the funding that is available and our resources. Our team supports people of all ages with a disability. 

    Entry to our services is based on the following eligibility criteria if:

    • You are eligible to receive JP Trusted Advisor services, specifically support coordination.

    • You or your family/guardian provides written consent to receive support coordination.

    • You have NDIS funding for Level 2 Support Coordination or Level 3 Specialist Support Coordination with a minimum 30 hours or as a fee for service. 

    • JP Trusted Advisor is able to meet your needs, service expectations and deliver support coordination within the NDIS service coordination framework.

    • You or your family/guardian agrees to receiving services within our policies and procedures.

    • You live within the Perth metropolitan area of WA.   

    • Level 3 Specialist Support Coordination can be provided remotely in regional areas but will be assessed on a case by case basis. 


    If you don’t have NDIS funding we offer a fee for service through our Consultancy Services.


  • All of our charges are based on the NDIS Pricing Arragements and Price Limits 2024 - 2025.

    ITEM NUMBER - 07_002_0106_8_3
    ITEM NAME - Support Coordination Level 2: Coordination of Supports
    UNIT - Hour
    NATIONAL - $100.14
    REMOTE - $140.19
    VERY REMOTE - $150.21

    ITEM NUMBER - 07_004_0132_8_3
    ITEM NAME - Support Coordination Level 3: Specialist Support Coordination
    UNIT - Hour
    NATIONAL - $190.54
    REMOTE - $266.75
    VERY REMOTE - $285.80

    Please note, all non-direct activities will be charged at a minimum of 10 minutes per individual activity. Non-direct activities include non-face to face administration – phone calls, reports, assessments, research and all other tasks that relate directly to your service. For more information, refer to the Admin versus Client Billing Form.

  • While delivering support coordination, our support coordinators and specialist support coordinators claim travel costs for a maximum of 60 minutes per participant per visit. When we travel between visiting one person and the next, we will distribute the travel time equally between each person as outlined in the agreement.

  • At JPTA, we are responsible for:

    • Notifying, investigating and responding to reportable incidents that are serious in nature.

    • Employing people who have been screened through the NDIS Commission Workers Screen Check and who hold a current Working with Children Check.

    • Provide training opportunities for our staff including NDIS Workers Training and Infection Control training.

  • Since we provide a support coordination service, it is our responsibility to ensure we meet progress reporting requirements as directed by the NDIS or as specifically identified in your NDIS plan.

  • Your support coordinator will work together with you to complete a Plan Implementation Report during the first four to six weeks of commencing services. All reports are made available to you and a copy stored confidentially on your individual file electronically.

  • Together, your support coordinator will review your Implementation Report with you every six months and a  copy stored confidentially on your individual file electronically.

  • Before your plan ends, your support coordinator will complete a NDIS Progress Report with you. This report will be submitted to NDIA where possible, six weeks before your plan’s expiry date. Before your progress report is submitted to the NDIA, our team leader will approve it as part of our quality assurance. All progress reports will be stored under your individual file electronically and made available to you upon request.

Do you have a question, comment or concern?

JP Trusted Advisor welcomes your comments, questions, concerns and feedback, which will guide us and assist us to continually improve our services.